Sunday, January 15, 2012

Session 3 (on 18 January 2012)

You have all played the EIS Simulation and learned a lot about what works and what doesn't work in leading change in a business (review your team presentations from session 2). 

During the simulation and, especially, afterwards in your team discussions and presentations  you have also been exposed to various concepts and "models" that affect the adoption of change, such as:
  • Resistance to change (and where it comes from)
  • The different categories (5) of people in relation to change (innovators, etc.)
  • The four steps of adoption (from Awareness to Interest to Trying to Adoption)
  • The importance of networks (and their different types)
  • The process of (epidemic) diffusion (and why it is important to identify leaders/influencers early)
  • The importance of the "tipping point"
  • etc.
Now, in session 3 you must PREPARE as follows:
  1. Individually read the article on "Behind the EIS Simulation", just click on the link here
  2. As a team review the "concept map" of above article. See it here.
  3. Imagine MARKETING the EIS Simulation to a specific business sector -  as a full group discuss and agree upon possible value and returns that businesses can achieve by using the EIS game (based on the models used) in a workshop (as a service or a product).
  4. As a team brainstorm to WHOM and HOW you can offer and market the EIS Simulation (as a one-day workshop) to French enterprises. Be sure to consider the 4P or "Marketing Mix".
  5. Each team will present their preliminary ideas for group feedback and  approval by the instructor (Mr Pietri).
  6. Each team will create a work-plan for accomplishng the research, tasks and and overall project management to produce a final presentations. Students will document all their work and their key output must be posted to the group blog.
  7. Students will complete their "skeleton" presentations in the time remaining.

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